Since PM150RSE120 elevator module is discontinued and expensive in the market, it is difficult to order new elevator modules.
After extensive practical experience from our company engineers, we propose the following solution:
Prerequisite: The original elevator module PM150RSE120 is paired with the DPP-130 or DPP-131 (see Figure 2) elevator module driver board.
The new elevator module PM150RLA120 is paired with the DPP-140 module driver board.
The number of pins for both modules is different, as shown in Figure 1.
When replacing PM150RSE120 with PM150RLA120 or PM150RL1A120, the following steps are required:
1. Use PM150RLA120 or PM150RL1A120 to replace PM150RSE120.
2. Replace the elevator board DPP130 or DPP131 with DPP140.
3. Replace the original 6800µF capacitor with a new one, as the old capacitor may cause damage to the new module due to aging.
4. The installation dimensions of the two modules are slightly different, requiring re-drilling of holes.
5. The complete set of replacement parts is shown in Figure 3.
Figure 1: PM150RLA120 Elevator Module and PM150RSE120 Elevator Module
Figure 2 : DPP-130/DPP-131 Elevator Board
Figure 3 :The complete set of replacement parts