Elevator Lift Power Filter
Power filters are generally designed as passive filters consisting only of resistors, capacitors and inductors, with no active components such as transistors. The figure on the right is an example of a power filter, power filter above the power supply, the power supply side of a common mode inductor, that is, the power supply of the two lines in the same direction around the core, the power line if there is a common-mode signal, the magnetic field generated in the common-mode inductors will add up, and therefore have a larger impedance, and the differential-mode signals in the common-mode inductors generated by the magnetic field will be canceled out each other, and therefore can flow through the common-mode inductors. The current flowing through the power supply is mainly common mode, but noise from above may also appear in the form of differential mode. To suppress differential mode noise, a separate differential mode inductor is required, or individual inductors are available for each phase.
Special safety decoupling capacitors are used in power filters, which are divided into two categories: X-capacitors and Y-capacitors:
X-capacitor: Suppresses differential mode interference (interference between power lines).
Y capacitor: Suppresses common mode interference (interference between power lines to ground).
As the Y capacitance will increase the leakage current of the appliance, and the leakage current of the appliance has its own regulations, so the Y capacitance can not be too large, generally smaller than the X capacitance.
X capacitance and Y capacitance belong to the safety capacitance, that is, its failure will not cause electric shock, and will not affect personal safety. Both have the effect of self-healing, which will make the part of the local short-circuit to restore the original insulation state.