Monarch Drive Fault Explanation: E66 – Brake Holding Force Detection Fault

Case Show,Product

Monach Fault Code: E66 – Brake Holding Force Failure

Cause of Fault

  1. As per national standards, the system periodically conducts brake holding force detection.
  2. During the detection process, the system outputs current to the traction machine without releasing the brake and monitors movement using encoder signals.
  3. If the pulse variation exceeds the set value, the system determines that the brake holding force is insufficient, immediately stops output, and reports an E66 fault. This fault does not reset upon power-off and requires a retest with a passing result to clear the fault. The testing method is as follows:
Nice3000+ Integrated Drive Controller Nice-l-c-4005 4018

E66 Reset Procedure

Ensure the door lock circuit is closed before proceeding.

  1. Set the elevator to inspection mode, ensuring it is stopped at a door zone (leveling position) with doors closed.
  2. Use the small keypad to set F-8 to 8, enabling the brake holding force test function. The keypad will display E88, indicating the test is in progress.
  3. The inverter outputs power, the running contactor engages, but the brake contactor does not engage.
  4. The system applies torque gradually up to the set torque and maintains it for the predefined duration.
  5. If the test is successful, the fault will be cleared. If unsuccessful, the system will immediately report E66 again.

Important Notes:

  • The F-8 to 8 setting is only valid when the elevator is in inspection mode and within a door zone.
  • Once F-8 to 8 is set, the elevator will disable hall and car calls, disable door opening, and keep the door lock engaged.
  • If the doors are not fully closed, the system will automatically attempt to close them before proceeding with the test.
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