esclator roller
escalator step
Our Elevator & Escalator Parts Meet Diverse Needs, Promote Sustainable Social Development

Professional Elevator & Escalator Parts Supplier With Over 25 Years Of Experience,Which Meet Different Needs

Escalator Parts

A-FLY, is a leading supplier and manufacturer of high-quality escalator components. Our company offer a comprehensive range of products that meet the stringent demands of modern escalator systems. With over 25 years of experience in the industry, our company is dedicated to enhancing the safety, efficiency, and reliability of escalators worldwide.


An escalator is a fixed electrically powered device with circulating steps that uses a belt tensioning system to transport passengers up or down on an inclined plane. It is divided into eight main functional parts: the supporting structure (truss), step system, guide rail system, handrail belt system, handrail device, safety protection system, electrical control system, and automatic lubrication device.

Supporting Structure(truss)
The truss includes the main metal framework (welded as a whole) and auxiliary structures, which generally consist of floor plates, comb plates, truss base plates, as well as oil trays and waste collection pans.

Step System
The step system is the working part of the escalator, mainly composed of steps, a driving machine, a main drive shaft, step chains, and step chain tensioning devices.

Handrail Belt System
The handrail belt system’s primary function is to provide a moving handrail that moves synchronously with the steps for passengers. An end-driven handrail belt system consists of the handrail belt, handrail drive device, handrail guide rail, tension wheel set, and guide wheels.

Guide Rail System
The guide rail system mainly includes working guide rails, return guide rails, steering guide rails, and unloading guide rails. Its function is to provide support and guidance for the movement of the steps, hence it is also referred to as the step track of the escalator.

Handrail Device
The handrail device is located on both sides of the escalator and serves to protect passengers while also providing a place to install the handrail guide rail and handrail belt. The handrail device mainly consists of the inner cover plate, outer cover plate, skirt panel, and outer decorative panel.

Safety Protection System
The safety protection system includes the brake (including an auxiliary brake), overspeed protection, reverse protection, handrail belt entry protection, drive chain safety monitoring, step monitoring, and step chain monitoring.

Electrical Control System
This system is mainly composed of electrical control circuits (including safety circuits), the electrical control cabinet, operating switches, and the escalator itself. Its function is to control and operate the escalator.

Automatic Lubrication Device
This consists of an oil pump, oil pipes, etc. Its function is to automatically lubricate transmission components such as the main drive shaft, step chains, main drive chain, and handrail drive chain.

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J Type Escalator Handrail Belt
D690 Escalator Friction Wheel 8 Screw Holes
DEE2260723 Escalator Handrail Adjusting Roller Bow Assembly
Escalator Handrail Support Roller Blue D60*52mm
Escalator Handrail Newel Deflecting Chain 22 Pitch
Escalator Demarcation Line SCS319900/1/2/3/5
TB-600N-100VDC Escalator Brake Magnet
XAA494JN1 Escalator Handrail Drive Shaft
Escalator Handrail

What Is An Escalator Handrail?

Handrail is a moving belt on the upper part of an escalator or travelator that moves in synchronization with the steps let the passengers to grip for balance.

What Material Is Used For Escalator Handrail?

Escalator handrail belts are composed of many materials, mainly including rubber, PVC, polyurethane. Choosing materials should be considered the characteristics of abrasion resistance, weather resistance, heat resistance or regular maintenance,etc…

  1. Rubber material

Rubber handrail is one of the traditional materials for escalator handrail with non-slip, wear-resisting and durability characteristics. However, rubber material has poor weather resistance and is easy to be aged and deformed. Therefore, it is suggested that when choosing the rubber material, it should be low-temperature and not easy to aging.

  1. PVC material

PVC handrail is one of the most widely used material in the current escalator market, which has the features of anti-slip, anti-static and fire extinguishing. Comparing with other materials, its price more favorable and easy to install and replace.

  1. Polyurethane (PU) material

Polyurethane (PU) handrail is a relatively new material with high strength, good abrasion resistance, aging resistance and other characteristics. However, the escalator TPU handrail price is high and suitable for high-end shopping malls, airports or other occasions.


Escalator Handrail Structure

The structure of handrail belt is usually divided into five layers, from outside to inside as ① surface cover rubber , ② skeleton layer, ③ steel wire curtain, ④ skeleton layer, ⑤ sliding layer. Currently, our company can provide various types, specifications, and colors of handrail belts for selection and customization.


Escalator Handrail Colors

Black color handrail is the standard color and widely used in the market because of its resistant to dirty, easy matching different occasions,also the price is more cheaper than others.

Customized Colorful handrails: According to customer requirements, multiple colors can be customized,in order to better identify and distinguish item.such as blue, gray, red ,yellow, green and so on.

Our company have many escalator handrail colors to choose or customize. All of them are well-designed and using high performance materials. They are resistant to high temperature、oil stain、friction and aging. More safety and durable! Contacting us to make your own unique handrail now.

How to Measure Your Escalator Handrail Length

  1. Mark the start mark A on the incline handrail.
  2. Mark the second mark B on the other incline side of the handrail.
  3. Record the 1st data,run the escalator to measure another distance.
  4. Repeat the 2nd step (Usually ,measuring3 times)
  5. Measure the distance④between A and D,then add your other measuring data ① ② ③

How To Customize Escalator Handrail?

Different brands of escalator handrail belts have varying cross-sectional dimensions and shapes.Usually there are 3 shapes: C type、V type、SDS type. In purchasing, we need to know the following parameters:.(See the attachment)

  1. Mouth Width (d)
  2. Inner Width (D)
  3. Total Width (D1)
  4. Inner High (h)
  5. Top Thickness (h1)
  6. Total High (H)
  7. Escalator Brand
  8. Send us your old handrail photos to confirm
Type/size/Code Mouth width (d) Inner width (D) Total width (D1) Inner High (h) Top Thickness (h1) Total High (H)
AF-SC SWE 33+3-1 62土1 82土1 12±0.8 12+1 34+1
SDS 39+3-1 62土1 80土1 10.6土0.8 9.5+1 28.5土1
XF 35+2-1 64土1 82土1 14±0.8 12±1 35土1
AF-OT OT 38+2-1 64±1 82土1 16.5±0.8 9.5±1 35.5士1
OT-800 39+2-1 60±1 76±1 9.5±0.8 10±1 28±1
AF-MI J 41+2-1 62士1 80土1 10±0.8 9.2土1 27±1
AF-HI GRF 41+2-1 63±1 80土1 10.6±0.8 10土1 27.5±1
GRF-1 40+2-1 63士1 82土1 11.5±0.8 10.4土1 31.7±1
AF-HD W-BT2 40+1-0.5 64±0.5 80土0.5 12±0.5 10+1-0.5 30±0.5
W-BT3 39.6+2-1 63.5士1 79.3土1 10.6±0.8 10.4土1 28.4±1
AF-LG LG 39.5+2-1 63.5±1 82土1 12.5±0.8 12土1 33±1
LG-1 42+2-1 64.5士1 82土1 16.5±0.8 12土1 36±1
LG-2 36+2-1 62±2 86土1 12 12土1 32±1
AF-FT STD 40+2-1 62-2-0 80+0-1 10+1.5 10+0-1 28.5+0+1
AF-TH FT-300 40+3-1 68_2 88+4-2 15土1 12 35±1
AF-KO ECO-3000 37.5+2.5 62.8+1.5 79.2+2.5 10.6±0.5 9.5+1-0.5 28.2+1.5-1
HD560359 42±1.5 68士1 88±1.5 15±1 10土1 35土1
HD967826 42±1.5 68±1 88±1.5 15±1 10±1 35土1
PTK2146675 37.5-1.5 62.8+1.5 79.2+2.5 10.6±0.5 9.5+1-0.5 28.15+1.5-1
Escalator Moving Walkway Travelators Colorful Handrail Belt
506NCE Escalator 800 Rubber PU Handrail Belt Black
SDS Escalator PU Rubber Handrail Belt
J Type Escalator Handrail Belt
Escalator Chain

Escalator chains generally include escalator chains and moving walkway chains such as step chains,drive chains,newel chains,tension chains.

What is an escalator step chain?

Escalator step chain is a crucial component in the escalator system. It connects the escalator steps to the drive mechanism, enabling the steps to move in a continuous loop from the bottom to the top (or vice versa) of the escalator. They are typically made of metal chain links. These links, together with chain rollers and chain guides, form the operating mechanism of the escalator.

The escalator step chain functions as both a conveyor for the steps and a transmission mechanism for the escalator’s movement, ensuring that the steps move smoothly and safely while carrying passengers. They must be extremely durable and reliable.

Moving Walkway (Travelator) Pallet Chain

Moving walkway (travelator) pallet chain is a chain without pallet structure, which are widely suitable for airports, supermarkets,metro or other large public occasions for smooth running of horizontal or slopes.

escalator step chains



Escalator Drive Chain

Escalator drive chains are divided into main drive chains and handrail drive chains. They are designed according to the standard, with interchangeable dimensions consistent with standard roller chains. The primary types used are A and B series roller chains and their reinforced versions.


Escalator Newel Chain

Escalator newel chain (Revolving Chain/Rotary Chain/Reversing Chain / Return Chain) is a complex mechanical system that requires consideration of factors such as the size, height, and operating conditions of the escalator. It is primarily composed of chain plates, bearings, sprockets, and motors. Among these, the chain plate is a crucial component of the escalator revolving chain, consisting of multiple small gears and chains that meet the needs of the escalator’s up and down movements. Its principle involves the motor driving the sprocket, causing the chain plate to cycle along the track, while coordinating the escalator’s upward and downward movements.


Functions of the Escalator Newel Chain

The functions of the escalator revolving chain are very important. It not only coordinates the operation of the escalator but also ensures that passengers arrive at their destination smoothly and safely. Specifically, its main functions include the following aspects:

Coordination of Escalator Movement: The escalator revolving chain can coordinate the up and down movement of the escalator with the cyclic movement of the chain, ensuring the smooth operation of the escalator.

Transmission of Motion Power: The escalator revolving chain, driven by the motor and sprocket, facilitates the cyclic movement of the chain, thereby transmitting the motion power of the escalator.

Ensuring Smooth Operation: The escalator revolving chain can smoothly transmit the motion power of the escalator, ensuring that passengers do not experience bumps and vibrations during the ride, thereby improving the comfort of the ride.

Escalator Travolator Step Chain Pitch 134.56
Escalator Step Chain P133.33 with Axle
Escalator Step Chain Pit 135.46
Escalator Step Chain Pitch 133.33mm Roller D75*24
XAA332X5 Escalator Handrail Tension Chain
Escalator Handrail Newel Deflecting Chain 22 Pitch
Escalator Return Chain Newel Chain
508 Escalator Double Row Drive Chain 20A-2R/106
Escalator Step


Escalator step system mainly includes: step tread (step plate), demarcation lines, step riser, step chain roller, step trailing roller, axle slot, frame yoke, step hook (T bar) and so on. And the escalator step is the moving part on which a passenger is carried safely. The Passengers just need to stand on the step, then the escalator will carry them to their destination. It is the most important parts of escalators.

escalator step structure

The Step Plate (Tread) is the surface area of the step people step on. The step plate is usually made of an aluminium plate with longitudinal cleats or grooves that run through the combs and provide secure footing.

The Step Riser is the vertical cleat cast into the front of a step, designed to pass between the cleats of adjacent step, thus creating a combing action with minimum clearance for safety.

The Demarcations are yellow strips or may be in bold colour around the step tread but mostly located at the front and at the rear ends of the tread. They are used to visually locate the step separation and visual contrast between the steps and the combs.

Frame / Yoke – Main support for riser, step tread, and step wheels

Trail Wheels are used to guide the step and support its load on the track and prevent it from being out of plane.

Step Hook normally attached to the end of the yoke by the step wheel used to activate the step up thrust safety device when the steps are not on their plane of travel at the top and bottom inclines.

Type Tilt Angle escalator step width dimensions Remark
A-FLY Escalator Series 30° 600mm We offer custom-made options
35° 600mm

How to choose Escalator Step?

There are two main types of step materials,including aluminum alloy and stainless steel material.

Escalator aluminum alloy casting steps are usually divided into integral die-casting steps and Assembled steps. These steps are characterized by their light weight, high quality appearance and ease of manufacture, assembly and maintenance. As well as the price of aluminum alloy escalator steps are more affordable.

Escalator Stainless steel step: High strength, good corrosion resistance, wear-resistant, easy to maintain, but heavier weight, relatively high cost, processing difficulties.Mainly for indoor type. Step height of not less than 0.24m, depth of not less than 0.38m.



30558700 Escalator Aluminum Alloy Steps
Escalator Stainless Steel Step With Yellow Demarcation Line 1000MM
FTTJ800B Escalator Black Stainless Steel Step 800mm
XAA26145M13 Escalator Stainless Steel Step
Escalator Aluminum Alloy Step Pallet KM5272113G19 KM51384323V001
Escalator Aluminum Alloy Step With Yellow Demarcation 600mm 800mm 1000mm
Escalator Aluminum Alloy Step 600mm
Escalator Parts Aluminum Alloy Step 1000mm
Escalator Roller


Escalator rollers are crucial components in the smooth operation of escalators and moving walkways, ensuring stability and reducing friction during movement.A-FLY, a professional escalator rollers supplier and company. Our company specializes in producing high-quality escalator rollers, committed to delivering durable and high-performance products. Our rollers are including escalator step rollers 、chain rollers、pressure/support rollers…etc. All of them are made from premium materials such as polyurethane and rubber, ensuring long-lasting wear resistance and smooth operation. We focus on precision engineering to create products that minimize noise and friction, thereby enhancing the overall safety and efficiency of escalators.

escalator roller

Escalator rollers applications:

Our escalator rollers are widely used in high-traffic environments like shopping malls, airports, and public transit systems, reflecting our dedication to excellence in every detail.

How to Purchase and customize escalator rollers?

When buying escalator rollers, you usually need to provide the following parameters:

_Outer diameter

_Inner diameter


_Ball bearing


_Escalator brand

_Application (Indoor/Outdoor Use)

escalator roller dimension


Escalator Handrail Pressure Rollers

Handrails play a crucial role in transporting passengers on escalators and moving walkways

Escalator pressure rollers guide and support the handrails, playing a key role by absorbing the stress from pre-tensioned handrails and their own weight. High-quality escalator pressure rollers can better protect and extend the lifespan of your escalator handrails.

Escalator Step Chain Roller D75*25mm Bearing 6204
Escalator Step Roller Red D76x25x6204
Escalator Step Roller Blue D76x25x6204
Escalator Step Chain Roller Blue 80*22* 6204RS
Escalator Step Chain Roller D80*19*6202Z
Escalator Step Roller D75*24*6204
Escalator Handrail Guide Roller D32*22/24mm*Inner10mm
Escalator Handrail Support Roller D70*60*6202
Escalator Comb Plate


Escalator comb plate is a crucial component in the escalator system to facilitate the transition for passengers and to mesh with the steps, pallets, or moving walkway belts,which is located at both top and bottom ends of the entry and exit points.


How to choose the right escalator comb plate?

  1. Pleaseconfirm your escalator brand.
  2. Provide your escalator comb plate front and back photos to the supplier. Then the supplier can check the material of your escalator comb plate, like aluminum alloy or plastic, and its color, like yellow,silver or black.

3.If there is the model number on the comb plate,please also show it.

4.Confirm size specifications

  • Holesdistance
  • The number of escalator comb plate teeth
  • Total length and width

how to measure escalator comb plate

Escalator Comb Plate 22 Teeth L47312022A/23A/24A
A00500IN Escalator Comb Plate 24 Teeth
9905007N YS017B313 Escalator Plastic Comb Plate 127*94*14T
Escalator Aluminum Comb Plate 197*130*22T
GOA453A6 Escalator Aluminum Comb Plate
5270416D10/5270417D10/5270418D10/5270419D10 Escalator Aluminum Comb Plate
SR4090150000 Escalator Aluminum Comb Plate
Escalator Parts Aluminum Alloy Comb Plate
Escalator Demarcation

What is the demarcation on escalators?

Escalator demarcations are decorative edge strip lines installed on the edges of the escalator steps,typically in yellow color, which are designed to provide a warning function. These edge strips enhance the aesthetic appeal of escalators while reminding passengers to stay alert and avoid accidents. Escalator edge strips come in various materials and colors to meet different environmental and usage requirements. For example, yellow edge strips are visually striking, effectively catching passengers’ attention, especially in low-light or complex environments, thus enhancing their safety warning function. Additionally, the material and design of the escalator edge strips must consider their durability and adaptability to ensure safety and stability during long-term use.

Escalator Demarcation Line SCS319900/1/2/3/5
Escalator Demarcation Strip For 600mm Step
Escalator Parts Demarcation Strip Line H2106230/231/223/211
Escalator Yellow Safety Demarcation Strip Line Edge 11T /12T/22T
Escalator Comb Demarcation Strip Line
Escalator Demarcation Strip Safety Step Line Edge
WSJ619006-01/02 /03 STP002B000-01A /01B Escalator Step Demarcation Strip Safety Line
Escalator Friction Wheel

What is escalator friction wheel?

Escalator friction wheel is one of the crucial components of an escalator. It drives the escalator by utilizing friction. The friction wheel moves the escalator belt, which in turn transports people to the desired location. The core part of the friction wheel is usually made of metal, with an outer layer of plastic to prevent slipping and reduce noise.

escalator friction wheel


How does escalator friction wheel work?

The escalator friction wheel is one of the crucial components of an escalator. It drives the escalator by utilizing friction. The friction wheel moves the escalator belt, which in turn transports people to the desired location. The core part of the friction wheel is usually made of metal, with an outer layer of plastic to prevent slipping and reduce noise.


Function of the Escalator Friction Wheel

The function of the escalator friction wheel is extremely important as it directly determines the efficiency and safety of the escalator operation. The speed of the escalator is controlled by adjusting the pressure of the friction wheel. The greater the friction between the friction wheel and the belt, the faster the escalator moves. Therefore, the role of the escalator friction wheel is to control the speed of the escalator.

D557 Escalator Friction Wheel
Escalator Handrail Friction Wheel 4 Sides
GAA265AP1 Escalator Handrail Drive Friction Wheel
Escalator Parts Friction Wheel D440*35mm
Escalator Handrail Friction Wheel D455
GAA265AP1 GAA265BF1 Escalators Handrail Friction Wheel
GB1506 K Type Escalator Friction Wheel D575*30mm
Escalator Handrail Drive Friction Wheel D394*35mm
Elevator Parts Child Product 1
Elevator Parts Child Product 1 Elevator Parts Child Product 1 Elevator Parts Child Product 1 Elevator Parts Child Product 1
Our elevator control system not only improves the reliability and efficiency of elevator operation, but also provides customers with a safe comfortable and energy-saving elevator riding environment through intelligent management methods. Whether it is a commercial building, residential building or transportation hub, our elevator control system is your trustworthy choice.
Load(kg) Lift speed (m/s ) Radio Sheave Diam (mm) Rope Sheave (mm) Motor Power (KW) Pole
100 0.5 45:01:00 320 3x8x12 1.5 4
100 0.5 45:01:00 320 3x8x12 1.5 4
100 0.5 45:01:00 320 3x8x12 1.5 4
100 0.5 45:01:00 320 3x8x12 1.5 4
100 0.5 45:01:00 320 3x8x12 1.5 4
100 0.5 45:01:00 320 3x8x12 1.5 4

0.4m/s Home Elevator 100-300kg Restaurant Dumbwaiter
10mm Elevator Steel Wire Rope 8X19S+NFC
10mm 16mm Elevator Sliding Guide Shoe
10MM Elevator Door Motor V-belt STD324 S3M
Elevator Parts Child Product 2
Elevator Parts Child Product 2 Elevator Parts Child Product 2  Elevator Parts Child Product 2  Elevator Parts Child Product 2
Our elevator control system not only improves the reliability and efficiency of elevator operation, but also provides customers with a safe comfortable and energy-saving elevator riding environment through intelligent management methods. Whether it is a commercial building, residential building or transportation hub, our elevator control system is your trustworthy choice.
Load(kg) Lift speed (m/s ) Radio Sheave Diam (mm) Rope Sheave (mm) Motor Power (KW) Pole
100 0.5 45:01:00 320 3x8x12 1.5 4
100 0.5 45:01:00 320 3x8x12 1.5 4
100 0.5 45:01:00 320 3x8x12 1.5 4
100 0.5 45:01:00 320 3x8x12 1.5 4
100 0.5 45:01:00 320 3x8x12 1.5 4
100 0.5 45:01:00 320 3x8x12 1.5 4

0.3m/s Strong Drive Home Elevator 260-320kg With Cabin
10MM Elevator Door Motor V-belt STD324 S3M
10mm Elevator Steel Wire Rope 8X19S+NFC
109-044UL Elevator Lift Cooling Fan 230V
1000MM Escalator Aluminum Step With Yellow Demarcation Line
1350/1600KG ER3 Elevator Parts Traction Machine
132mm 630kg Elevator Grooved Belt Gearless Traction Machine
Elevator Parts Child Product 2 Sun Product 1

Elevator Parts Child Product 2 Sun Product

Elevator Parts Child Product 2 Elevator Parts Child Product 2  Elevator Parts Child Product 2  Elevator Parts Child Product 2
Our elevator control system not only improves the reliability and efficiency of elevator operation, but also provides customers with a safe comfortable and energy-saving elevator riding environment through intelligent management methods. Whether it is a commercial building, residential building or transportation hub, our elevator control system is your trustworthy choice.
Load(kg) Lift speed (m/s ) Radio Sheave Diam (mm) Rope Sheave (mm) Motor Power (KW) Pole
100 0.5 45:01:00 320 3x8x12 1.5 4
100 0.5 45:01:00 320 3x8x12 1.5 4
100 0.5 45:01:00 320 3x8x12 1.5 4
100 0.5 45:01:00 320 3x8x12 1.5 4
100 0.5 45:01:00 320 3x8x12 1.5 4
100 0.5 45:01:00 320 3x8x12 1.5 4

 FAA24270AH5 Elevator Load Weighing Sensor Device
 FAA24270AD6 Elevator Load Weighing Sensor Device
Elevator Parts Child Product 2 Sun Product 2

Elevator Parts Child Product 2 Sun Product

Elevator Parts Child Product 2 Elevator Parts Child Product 2  Elevator Parts Child Product 2  Elevator Parts Child Product 2
Our elevator control system not only improves the reliability and efficiency of elevator operation, but also provides customers with a safe comfortable and energy-saving elevator riding environment through intelligent management methods. Whether it is a commercial building, residential building or transportation hub, our elevator control system is your trustworthy choice.
Load(kg) Lift speed (m/s ) Radio Sheave Diam (mm) Rope Sheave (mm) Motor Power (KW) Pole
100 0.5 45:01:00 320 3x8x12 1.5 4
100 0.5 45:01:00 320 3x8x12 1.5 4
100 0.5 45:01:00 320 3x8x12 1.5 4
100 0.5 45:01:00 320 3x8x12 1.5 4
100 0.5 45:01:00 320 3x8x12 1.5 4
100 0.5 45:01:00 320 3x8x12 1.5 4

0.3m/s Strong Drive Home Elevator 260-320kg With Cabin
 FAA24270AH5 Elevator Load Weighing Sensor Device
 FAA24270AD6 Elevator Load Weighing Sensor Device
Elevator & Escalator Parts Manufacturer And Supplier

We produce more than 20,000 types of spare parts, covering over 12 major elevator and escalator brands. There is always the product you need.

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With widely used in various fields,our products sell well in more than 200 countries and regions,and are highly favored by customers.

Company Advantages

A-FLY, is a leading supplier of high-quality elevator & escalator parts, offering a comprehensive range of products. With a focus on safety and durability, we serve clients worldwide, ensuring efficient and reliable escalator operations through our premium parts and exceptional customer service.

Extensive Product Range
As a global supply chain company,we offer varieties of elevator & escalator parts and ensure products availability and cost efficiency to meet diverse customer needs.
Technology Innovation
We are staying at the forefront of technological advancements by regularly introducing innovative parts and solutions. And providing 24/7 customer service to assist with urgent inquiries and orders
Logistics & Distribution
We are always maintaining well-stocked warehouses to ensure rapid availability of parts and providing real-time tracking of orders and transparent logistics communication to keep customers informed.
Customer Relationship
We place great importance on maintaining strong relationships with our clients, listening to their feedbacks, addressing their needs promptly to ensure mutual success and satisfaction.
Problems You May Encounter

We consistently exceed the needs and expectations of our customers and partners.

Do you offer warranties on your products?
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Yes, most of spare parts come with one year warranty from the date of purchase. Different parts warranty periods are different. If you need further details about the warranty or have any other questions, please feel free to contact our customer support team.
Do you offer discounts for bulk purchases?
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Yes, we provide discounts for bulk orders. Please contact our sales team for a custom quote list.
What should I do if I received a damaged or defective item?
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Please contact us within 48 hours of receiving a damaged or defective item. We’ll arrange for a replacement or refund.
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