Elevator Button Meanings


Elevator Button Meanings

Elevator Buttons Explained

Elevator buttons are designed to allow users to control the movement of the elevator, select floors, and sometimes access other features. Here’s a breakdown of common elevator buttons and what they do:

Elevator Floor Selection Buttons

Numbered Buttons (1, 2, 3, etc.): These correspond to the floors of the building. Press the button for the floor you want to go to.
Letters (B, G, M, P):
B: Basement
G: Ground floor
M: Mezzanine (a level between the ground and first floor)
P: Parking level

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    Elevator Door Control Buttons

    Open Door (⯅ or ▶︎): This button opens the elevator doors if they are closed or in the process of closing.
    Close Door (⯆ or ◀︎): This button closes the elevator doors more quickly than the usual automatic closing.

    Elevator Alarm/Emergency Buttons

    Alarm (🔔): Triggers an alarm, usually accompanied by a sound, to alert others of an emergency inside the elevator.
    Emergency Stop: Stops the elevator immediately. Typically, this button is used in case of an emergency or malfunction.
    Call for Help (☎️ or 📞): Connects you to building security or emergency services.

    Elevator Floor Indicator

    Digital Display: Shows the current floor or the floor the elevator is moving to. Sometimes, it also shows directional arrows (up or down).

    Elevator Keypad or Card Reader

    Some elevators require a code or keycard to access certain floors, especially in secure buildings.

    Elevator Access Buttons

    Service Mode: A button that, when pressed with a key, allows for the elevator to be used in service mode for moving heavy or large items.
    Firefighter Operation: These buttons are used by emergency personnel to control the elevator in case of a fire.

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      Elevator Special Buttons

      “Hold” Button: In some elevators, especially in hotels or hospitals, there might be a “hold” button to keep the doors open for longer.
      “Close Door” Button in Older Elevators: May require holding to ensure the doors close fully.
      Disabled Access Button: May adjust the timing for door closing to accommodate users with disabilities.

      Tags :
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